Sunday, July 31, 2011

Time To Vote

Wow! Our challenge is growing more popular by the week, thank you to everyone who entered this week! There were so many beautifully PASSIONate treasuries made, the 4 that shined the brightest this week are...

  1. Passion For Happy Art ♥  by TummyBaby
  2. Wild Passion by meganfranken
  3. Art Is My Passion  by cherrytime
  4. perfectly passionate passion  by doodlematz
Please use the polls to the right of the blog to vote for your favorite of these 4 amazingly beautiful treasuries!

This coming weeks Treasury Challenge theme word will be SENSUAL please remember not to make your treasuries until Tuesday.  

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Fabulous & Fun Fridays - Twitter 101

After being at much of a loss of what to do for Fabulous & Fun Fridays this week, I was given a great idea from a friend and fellow Etsian Artist member.  Last week I opened up a Twitter Account for our Etsian Artists Team and since then have been out promoting it around in an effort to gain followers for the greater good of this team.  During such time it was brought to my attention that there are members of this team that all though they would like to follow along, they can't!  Why?  Because they don't have a Twitter account and do not know how to use it.  

I had forgotten just how scary and foreign Twitter was when I first opened my account.  Now that I am sitting here thinking about it, I am remembering just how confused and overwhelmed I really was in the beginning.  Wishing that I had someone to show me the ropes!  I will tell you what though, as overwhelming as it seems in the beginning, once you get the hang of it, you will be sailing off totally forgetting that there was ever a time that you didn't get it!  Which is where I am at now, and why the thought never ever crossed my mind that this would be a good topic for Friday.

Lets start with the basics..... What is Twitter anyhow?  Twitter is a network comprised of information in the form of a "Tweet"  What is a "Tweet?"  A Tweet is information given in 140 characters or less.   Everything on Twitter, whether you are posting a status update or filling out your bio on your profile, is 140 characters or less.  I would say that that is probably the hardest part about Twitter to get use to.

Basically when you learn Twitter, you are going to have to learn a new language.  This language consists of short forms instead of whole words, hashtags (#) and mentions (@).  
  • Hashtags are basically like a tag on Etsy only they are words that start with a # symbol.  So for example if you were to tweet your new listing on Etsy for an ACEO card you just created you might add the hashtag #ACEO to your tweet so that your tweet will appear to anyone searching that hashtag.  Twitter always gives you a list updated daily of the most popular hashtags so it is smart to pay attention to this list and use them in your tweets to gain more visibility.
  • Mentions are usernames starting with the @ symbol.  Facebook has now adopted this method so many people might already be familiar with this from FB and not even realize it.  So if you want to direct your tweet to a certain person  then you would include their Twitter username beginning with the @ symbol and they will receive that tweet in their timeline.  You can include multiple @mentions in a single tweet.
As for the short forms, this is something you will have to learn as you go as I can't possibly list them all here. lol  If any of you are fans of texting then you may already know quite a few and they do just carry over to Twitter.  Some common examples are...
  • ttys = talk to you soon
  • brb = be right back
  • ab/abt = about
  • b/c =  because
  • bfn = Bye for now
  • cre8 = create
  • em =  email
  • ema = email address
  • fab = fabulous
  • prt = please retweet
  • rt = retweet
  • twewbie = anyone who is using this blog post a twitter newbie
Here is an excellent Twitter Dictionary with over 130 Twitter abbreviations, words, phrases and tools to get you going.

Now you may still be wondering why the need to even learn this new and confusing language, I mean you've been living for this long with out it just fine, right!? Wrong!  You just don't even yet know what you've been missing.  Especially if you are a member of the Etsian Artists Team that means you own an Etsy Shop, which means that you are always looking for new ways to promote and network.  Twitter is easy once you get the hang of it.  It is also FREE! There are millions of people on Twitter some of which are bound to like what you do, maybe even enough to want to buy it!

The trick to using Twitter successfully for your Etsy business is to learn to use it in a meaningful way.  The worst thing you can do is appear like a robot with no emotion, just tweeting out your new listing every time you list a new item on Etsy.  Think of Twitter like a room full of people, it's a really big room with A LOT of people in it.  Everyone is connecting through little conversations here and there, sharing information with each other in a meaningful way.  You don't want to be that guy or gal that just walks into the room and starts shouting out "hey look at me, I just listed a new art card on Etsy!  Look at it!!!"  and then you disappear and tomorrow you walk back into that room and you do it again, yelling the exact same thing in a different color.  This is the fastest way to get ignored and to lose followers!  Don't worry though, you will get a chance to share your new listings, you just need to learn how to do it right.

When it comes down to it, if you want people to look at what you got, then you have to be willing to look at what they've got.  If you put in a little time, you WILL reap the rewards.  The easiest way to do this is to work Twitter into your daily routine.  I assume most of us are the same in the way that we check our email, our Etsy shops, our blogs, our team and our FB's  all on a daily basis, now you just need to add Twitter to that list too.  When you log onto your twitter account and you are looking at your homepage, you are looking at a timeline.  A timeline shows you whats going on with all of the people that you are following.  Just as what is going on with you will show up in the timelines of whom ever is following you.  It is important to follow people that interest you, this is what will help to make Twitter a useful tool that works for you.  For example, if you do not know a single thing about sports and nor do you care, then a sports caster is not exactly the type of person that you are going to want to follow.  However if you are an abstract artist and that sports caster enjoys abstract art then he might want to follow you.  This doesn't mean that you are obligated to follow him back.  I do realize that there is controversy on this subject so I guess this is a matter of opinion.  There are many people out there that will follow anybody and everybody,  the you follow me and I will follow you, regardless of whether or not you interest me types.  However I do follow every other Etsy shop that follows me and even the ones that don't.  That is the only circumstance where I do become the 'you follow me and I will follow you type' lol But that is because Etsy intersts me! Outside of Etsy then I am mainly just following anything art related or the random occasional Twitterer that seems interesting to me.  I have had many the sportscasters follow me but I don't follow them back.  I don't think this is rude nor do I think that it is considered to be rude.  This is how Twitter works and that is what keeps it working properly for people.  If your timeline gets crowded full of stuff that doesn't interest you then it no longer becomes fun or interesting and you are no longer giving it any attention and it has then at that point failed as a tool.  This is why following people that interest you only is so important!

Back to your homepage and timelines.  When  you look through your timeline it is important to look at stuff, click on stuff and share stuff.  For example, I have a few followers that I also follow them back.  These followers are very kind and quite often, pretty much daily they retweet my tweets.  This means they have taken something I tweeted and shared it with all of their followers.  So I will return the favor.  When I look through my timeline I will not only look for stuff that seems interesting to me but also for tweets from those key followers so that I can retweet their tweets in return.  It is also proper etiquette to reply a thank you to those that have retweeted your tweets.

You may be wondering now how you will know if your tweets have been retweeted.  When you are logged into your homepage there are several tabs, the one right next to timeline is @mentions and then retweets is next.  If you click on the @mentions tab this will show you all the tweets that you are mentioned in.  The retweets tab is a bit more complicated.  Under this tab there are 3 categories of retweets that you can view.  
  • Retweets by others = People that you follow have retweeted tweets from people they follow.  These tweets might not necessarily have anything to do with you but the people that you follow have found them interesting enough to retweet so you might in turn think that they are interesting.
  • Retweets by you = This will show you all the tweets that you retweeted. Easy
  • Your Tweets Retweeted = This will show you who has been retweeting your tweets.  This is good to pay attention to because you will want to go down the list and give a reply of thank you, you need to atleast acknowledge that it happened or they may not bother to do it anymore.  This is something that is good for you, especially if it is your Etsy items and shop that they are retweeting.  For any example I have 431 followers but one of those followers who retweets everything I post has 6000 followers so even though I only have 431 followers, I can be sure that everything I tweet is being seen by over 6000 followers thanks to a very kind follower of mine.  So I make sure that I thank this person everytime as this is a huge benefit to me!
The next 2 tabs on your homepage are search and lists.  The search tab will not show you any information until you start saving your searches.  So if there is a popular subject that you search quite often you might want to save this search so that instead of typing it in the search bar everyday you can simply click on it under the search tab of your homepage and have instant access to the results.

Lists are a bit more complicated.  Your 2 options under Lists is Lists you created and Lists following you.  You can create lists to organize who you follow.  For example you might create a list of all the Etsy Shops that you follow so that when you view your timeline all of the Etsy shops will only show up under your list.  You could potentially list all of the people you follow if you were really organized.  Lists can be private or public.  If a list is public then you can follow other peoples lists.  If they are private then you can't.  If you want to be removed from a list then you can remove yourself by blocking the creator of the list.
Click HERE for full detailed instructions on how to use Twitter Lists.

To take even further advantage of Twitter you can even connect it to your other social networking sites such as FB, Blogger and Flickr just to name a few so that everything you do on those sites automatically post to your Twitter page.  If you are not automatically connected most sites give you the option to share on Twitter anyhow.  If you blog you have probably seen the share options at the bottom of every blog post on Blogger and one of those options is the big blue T for Twitter.  Just click that button and it will bring up your tweet already to go unless you want to add any hashtags or @mentions to it.  

If you are on Etsy and you Tweet then you should positively start following @handmadebot and once you do then you can add the #handmadebot hashtag to all of your Etsy related tweets and once you do that handmadebot will automatically retweet your tweet to thousands of people in the handmade community.  There use to be one called Etsybot that did the same but I have noticed that it stopped retweeting mine and others tweets so I'm not sure what happened to that one. If anyone knows, please enlighten me.  

I think this should be enough to get you started on Twitter.  Once you are signed up go to this discussion in our Team Forum to share your Twitter accounts so we can all follow each other.  I hope this tutorial is helpful to those not yet familiarized with Twitter and I look forward to following you and reading your tweets soon!

Treasury Thursday

Scrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace Layouts

Here are this weeks featured Treasuries from the Etsian Artists Team!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wonderful Wednesdays

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Todays Wonderful Wednesdays post features owls in all different ways, shapes and forms from members of the Etsian Artists Team.

SWEET OWL Naturel %100 Cotton ORGANIC,Ecofriendly Pillow Cover 16'' x 16''

SWEET OWL Naturel %100 Cotton ORGANIC,Ecofriendly Pillow Cover 16'' x 16''

Sweet owl in deed, this pillow is just lovely, and would make a great addition to any couch, love seat or chair to decorate a living room, bedroom.  So versatile and pretty, find this and more at Loovee.

Handmade Felt Owl keyring

Handmade Felt Owl keyring

This adorable handmade owl keyring can be found at Fabthomson.  If you would like it in a different color you will find that and more in this shop as well, check it out.

owl cushion retro 1960s

owl cushion retro 1960s

This little owl cushion is made in a retro 1960's style fabric and is totally original unique.  You will also find many different unique owls in this Etsy Shop.  There is one for everybody at Made In The Woods

Three 1950s Bird Bookmarks - Upcycled Owl and Kingfisher Bookplates

Three 1950s Bird Bookmarks - Upcycled Owl and Kingfisher Bookplates

These bookmarks are beautiful, completely upcycled from bookplates they would make a lovely addition to any good book.  Find these and more at Arty Sandp

Three Owl Sisters in a Purple Evening- Original Drawing of SharpieLove

Three Owl Sisters in a Purple Evening- Original Drawing of SharpieLove

Huney Bunny is your stop for beautiful original and highly detailed art works like this owl piece.  How could you not fall in love with these lovely little characters. 

Oliver the Owl

Oliver the Owl

Funky and cute this owl is brought to you from Dinos In Space.  Completely hand sewn, Oliver will make a great addition to your childs room as he keeps his eye on things while your not there.

Bitty Studs:  Hoot Owl

Bitty Studs: Hoot Owl

As the description states, Sweet and Sassy, yes they are!  These little ear studs are perfect for all year round and will go with just about any out fit nicely! Find these and more at Tarnished and True

Dreams - Original Acrylic Painting OOAK

Dreams - Original Acrylic Painting OOAK

This original acrylic painting is from Oddball Art Co. and features a surreal made up species of owl.  Find this and more original acrylic painting in this shop.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Congratulations!!! - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes

Scrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace Layouts

A big congratulations going out to Lyndsey of Mamma With Heart  last weeks winner of the Treasury Challenge!  Her Treasury Pot you like one the challenge by popular vote!  The theme "POT" certainly wasn't an easy theme but I guess that's why we call it a Challenge! Lyndsey was definitely able to overcome the difficulty and pull together one heck of an amazing Treasury, personally it made me hungry! lol  

I had the opportunity to speak with Lyndsey about her art, her shop, her hopes and dreams and have compiled it all here for your reading pleasure.  I am sure you all know the drill by now so go grab your favorite beverage of choice, sit back, relax and get to know your team mate Lyndsey a bit better!

~ My Interview with Lyndsey from Mamma With Heart ~

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your shop?
I’m Lyndsey aka mamma with heart, I live in beautiful Northumberland with my husband Chris and our 3 children. I love creating and trying new crafts, as well as making felt items, I am also learning to crochet (slowly) and how to make clothes for my children, with varying results. In my shop I make and sell felt goodies for children and for the home. My toys are waldorf inspired, using natural or recycled materials (I sometimes use eco-fi felt, made from recycled bottles as well as 100% wool felt), I make simple toys that inspire children to be creative and use their imaginations.

What inspired you to open your shop?
I’m inspired by seeing other stores and crafts people on Etsy, there are so many lovely handmade items it made me think perhaps the toys that I’ve been making for my children might be enjoyed by others too. The name Mamma with Heart comes from the idea that the toys and items I make are made from safe materials in an environment that’s caring and each item is lovingly made by hand, not rolled off a production line, each item has heart. 

Besides designing & creating things, what do you do?
I’m a full-time homeschooling mamma to my 3 children all under 6, they keep me pretty busy.

Where, who or what does your influence come from?
My children inspire me with their original creativity and new ways of looking at the world. I’m also influenced by nature, the colours of the flowers on a summer day, the autumnal leaves, the changing shades of the sea, all have an effect on my work. I love the work of artists such as Dick Bruna (Miffy), Tove Jansson (Moomins), Eric Carle and Quentin Blake.

What inspires you to be creative?
I think it is instinctual to make things, as a wife, mother and homemaker I love to be able to make things for my family and my home. I love the feeling of seeing my children playing with the toys I’ve made for them, knowing the time, effort and love I took to make the best I could for them, I think this shows in the toys and expresses itself to the children when playing.

How do you get out of a creative rut?

My first thoughts are usually the creative talent on Etsy, other artists inspire me to do what I love, I love browsing other people’s stores and seeing the talent out there – of course I can’t resist the odd purchase or two. I’m not usually short of ideas; I keep a notebook by my bed to write down all the ideas that pop into my head at two in the morning when the baby wakes. Although choosing just one idea to make is quite hard, I usually have 2 or 3 projects on the go at once. If I’m really stuck I head to the Northumbrian coast, the North Sea is quite bracing most of the year and a long walk collecting shells or sea glass can clear my head ready to start crafting again. 

When did you first discover that you were or wanted to be an artist? 
Since being a child I’ve loved crafty things, I trained in archaeology, but felt something was missing on the creative side. Plus my back ached from all that digging, since settling down and having my children my back still aches from picking up toys all day, but I have more time to do crafts that I love. My husband is my main influence and supporter, he is an artist and runs Tookaland (another Etsy store) it’s his creativity that inspired me to try new crafts and follow what I enjoyed. 

Can you describe your creative process for us?
I try to plan the designs I come up with, but I’m not great at sketching or planning so I tend to just go for it, get the felt and thread out and cut and sew until I’m done. Often I’m working on one project and suddenly realise how to do another one, or make an addition to a project. When I was making Bonnie (sausage dog in my store) I realized she needed somewhere to live, so she had to have a kennel, and of course a name plate and ribbon collar. A lot of my ideas start small and somehow expand along the way. 

What is your most cherished handmade possession?
I have a few. One is a beautiful painting on wood made by my husband, its shows us and our children on route to our country cottage, my dream. Of all the items I’ve made I particularly love a felt toadstool house I made for my eldest daughter last winter, it took me hours to make as I didn’t plan it out first I went with the flow, bit of a mistake, but I know now how to make it easier/better to do. I’m currently working on a smaller version for my store. 

Where do you see or want your shop to be this time next year?
Hopefully have lots of happy customers, recommending my shop to friends and family. I’d love to develop patterns for other mammas and crafters to make their own felt creations, one day I would like to have a book published with my designs.

Where would you like to be in ten years?
I would love myself and hubby to be self-supported by our craft/art businesses and living in a cottage in the highlands. I’d also be glad if I can crochet by then!

What is your best advice to newbie Etesian's just opening their shops?

To make and sell what you love, it shows when an artist really loves what they have created. To network, to get to meet other Etsy artists to help each other and ask questions, groups like Etsian artists are a great way to do this. 

Where else other than Etsy can you be found on the net?
I have a 
Blog of new creations for Mamma with Heart along with new ideas, a few tutorials and general crafty ramblings,
I also have a Facebook Page and I can be followed on Twitter

Do you have any coupon codes that you would like to share with our readers?
Yes! Coupon code HEARTEA and you get 10% discount in my store! Yippee!