Etsian Artists Working Together
I want to start by introducing myself, I'm your Team Captain and my name is Elizabeth Matlack, my shops are Oddball Art Co. and The Naked Hippie. I also want to introduce you to my partner in crime and your Team Leader Steven Palmer of ArtySandp.
Together we had a vision of creating a place where Etsian Artists, especially newbie Etsians can come and gain and share knowledge with each other, promote each other along the way, learn tips and tricks of the trade, build and share team treasuries, host and participate in team BNR's and basically help each other maximize exposure to their shops and thusfore increasing sales along the way.
I know when I started on Etsy it was a little scary at first and when I finally joined a team things started to get a little easier faster. I have learned alot along the way and now I want to share that with all of you. Two things I know for sure is that diversity creates a better team and there is no "I" in team! For those two reasons is why I have left the criteria to be in this team pretty vague. For the most part if you are on Etsy then you are an artist, I believe artists come in lots of different shapes, sizes and forms. So basically Etsian Artists is for everybody!
I am all about promoting and there are many different ways to promote your Etsy Shop, most of them free!!! You just need to know where to start and I want to help you get there. To start things off you can check out this post in the team forum 116 Places To Promote Your Etsy Shop this list may seem overwhelming to you at first but don't think you need to get through it in a day either. I haven't even got through the whole thing yet, it's an ongoing resource. Think of it as a catalogue for promotions and use it as you go. Bookmark that post and go back to it whenever you have time or when the timing is right.
This blog is going to serve as a great place to start with promotions! Each week we will feature members of Etsian Artists in blog posts along with their team treasuries. We will hold a weekly Treasury Challenge every Tuesday and the winner will have their shop showcased right here on the blog for 1 whole week a long with an interview about them and their shop. When ever we learn something new you better believe it will be posted here for all of you as well. Make sure you follow this blog so you don't miss out on anything Etsian Artists has to offer!
I have always been a go getter with a 'never give up' attitude! I am on a mission for Etsy Success and I want to take you there with me!!!
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